A newly proposed bill may render you a criminal if you've got too much cash and other "untraceable assets" on hand. Senate Bill 1241, the "Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017", is ostensibly aimed at catching...
Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees with its ad revenue. Ecosia is a social business run by a small group of dedicated and passionate people. They work together to create tools we all use, that also empowers...
If you thought sunscreen keeps you from burning, think again. There have been five reports of people catching fire after applying sunscreen in the last year. Four burn cases were reported in the U.S. and one in Canada. The maker...
It is not a good idea to take a sip from your garden hose especially on a blistering hot day. A new study shows drinking from your garden hose, which contains water leached with a cocktail of heavy metals,...
CBD is one of over 60 compounds found in cannabis that belongs to a class of molecules called cannabinoids. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is non-psychoactive, meaning it lacks the high associated with being stoned from cannabis and CBD doesn’t have...
Buying and eating organic can get quite pricey these days, but what if you could turn your left overs into fresh new produce? The practice of cloning plants has been used one way or another for thousands of years, but...
Fluoride has been a very controversial topic among the American people for many years now, part of this divide can be attributed to the lack of court reviewed studies of the neurotoxic effects Fluoride has both on humans and...
Last week, Maine's Governor Paul LePage signed a first-of-its-kind bill that could set a refreshing new precedent for other states to follow. The Act to Recognize Local Control Regarding Food Systems (LD 725) gives local towns and communities the authority to...
Animal abuse amongst factory farms is a reality that is more common than many of us care to recognize. A Toronto based animal rights group known as Mercy For Animals, caught on film some disgusting acts of violence and...
The core four things for survival are shelter, water, camp fire, and food, these necessities are not always easily attainable in survivalist situations. Fire is often one of the of the most frustrating out of the core four when...
by Seshata from International-Highlife.com Legal Cannabis is rapidly taking off, and not everyone is happy about it. Let's take a look at some of the biggest industries funding anti-cannabis lobby groups, and the unethical reasons why... Big Tobacco Big tobacco...
Now of course, the 2nd Amendment itself is probably the truest and most audaciously American thing ever written; and I love it. But if you hear any court or federal official talking about how you have a 2nd Amendment...