Home Environment Couple Survives Alaska Winter in Bushcraft Tipi Tent

Couple Survives Alaska Winter in Bushcraft Tipi Tent


Far North Bushcraft And Survival YouTube channel has an interesting view on how to spend the New Years.

The couple drinks sparking cider in their hot tipi tent with a home made wood stove. The description states that they want you to join them on their journey, and that they have made room for you.

Take a look into an alternative lifestyle you may never have thought of living. They cook a meal in their cast iron pan on the wood stove. They get in some reading, and just plainly have a nice time together.

The couple lives in Alaska and makes videos showing us how to survive using forgotten methods. I enjoyed watching this video and some of their others, as I hope you do too.

In the description on the YouTube channel:

Here at Far North Bushcraft And Survival you will learn about many long forgotten 
tricks and tips of the old time woodsmen.  Not only will you learn about bushcraft 
/ woodcraft but you will learn many things that will help you to survive in a less 
than ideal "survival" situations as well.   Come along and sit with me by the 
campfire as I delve into these subjects in a way that you can easily learn to then 
do yourself.   

I once heard someone tell a man that his son was better at doing the same job that 
the father made his living doing.  I will never forget his answer to that.  He said 
"my son ought to be better than me since I taught him everything I know and if he 
couldn't pick up a little on his own then he wouldn't be worth much".    So, I will 
attempt to show what I know and the rest is up to you.  Let's have fun together on 
this journey of living and learning.

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