Home Do it Yourself (DIY) Cancer Causing Light Bulbs in Your Home?

Cancer Causing Light Bulbs in Your Home?



Health authorities have identified Electromagnetic Frequency (EMFs) as potentially carcinogenic, meaning they may cause cancer. Read Dr. Matthew Buckley’s article tying chronic inflammatory diseases to EMFs, GMOs, and Vaccines.

EMFs from cell phones, smart meters, WiFi and other electronic devices have received increased scrutiny in recent years as science has caught up with what was once considered a conspiracy theory.

In fact, more than 80% of countries polled by the World Health Organization (WHO) have some sort of legislation related to exposure of electromagnetic fields.

Now, as proven in the video below, we know that certain kinds of light bulbs in our home emit cancer causing EMFs as well.

Check out this 2-minute video below to see which light bulbs to avoid and how you can protect you and your family against cancer.

For more health-related videos like this that the United States government doesn’t want you to see…like and follow www.facebook.com/tonyshealthtips


You can check out your home and light bulbs if you buy the exact meter that Tony is using on Amazon:

EMF light bulbs cancer
EMF Dectector


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