Home Do it Yourself (DIY) Make Mom Happy With These Homemade Mother’s Day Gifts

Make Mom Happy With These Homemade Mother’s Day Gifts


For all of you forgetful sons and daughters, Mother’s Day is coming up very quickly, on May 14th to be exact. While mom will probably enjoy almost anything you give her, I encourage you to put a little extra thought into this year’s gift for the person who gave you life! Instead of procrastinating until the last minute or settling for boring flowers, here are a few outside of the box ideas for the most important woman in your life.

Live Succulent Gift Box

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This creative gift will wow your mother with it’s lovely appearance, both the packaging and the plants look great in a kitchen, living room, or outside. Instead of giving her dying flowers, bless your mother with live plants that require minimum effort to keep alive. Succulents are simply plants that hold water in their leaves such as Aloe Vera, Jade Plants, Panda Plants, Agave, and many more. If your mother is anything like mine, she values a personally made present more than a store bought one. This would be very easy to arrange yourself with plants you have personally chosen, in a box which you, or your kids have worked on together to create. If you would like to find specific plants, here is a great site to compare them on.

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Homemade Lavender Milk Bath


Most mothers love taking baths right? This is the ideal gift to get your mom so she can relax when life gets too stressful, and it also helps with dry skin! I know taking a bath in milk sounds strange, but it has been used since Cleopatra’s reign over Egypt. The Pharaoh used it to keep her skin soft, glowing, and youthful, which is a concern for many women. This project is very easy and pretty fun to make at home with your children. The supplies you will need are milk bottles, mixing spoon or stick, and a mixing bowl. The ingredients are listed below.

1½ cups powdered milk
½ cup baking soda
½ cup cornstarch
½ cup Epsom salt
10-20 drops essential oil of your choice (optional)

Most people choose the floral scents like Lavender or Rosemary, but you can use almost any scent your mom enjoys. Some other scent ideas are citrus, spearmint, peppermint, or lemon, you can even use almond oil or honey for the extra sweet moms out there. This is an awesome site if you are trying to find just the right fragrance.

You can find the full instructions on the milk bath here.

Homemade aroma therapy candle


Candles are a common go to present for all holidays, but once again, personalized and homemade gifts go a lot further with most moms. This gift will have your mom thinking of you every time she walks into her wonderful smelling house. Check out some of the great benefits of aroma therapy in this video.

You will have to purchase some supplies to complete this little homemade project, but it is still a lot cheaper than most over priced mothers day gifts out there.



Here is what you will need:

-Organic Beeswax or soy (We like this organic beeswax)
-Essential oils (We love the collection from Plant Therapy)
-Cotton wicks (Like these)
-Clean can to melt oils
-Wooden spoon or stick to stir

The full instructions on this can be found here.


It is very easy to get caught up in the corporate propaganda of Mother’s Day. Companies spend millions to advertise their way into making money off of your love for mama. The average American spends about $169 on gifts for their mom, though ironically, a poll places homemade gifts at the top of the list of what mothers want most.

Now go forth, and make your mom smile on this national day to celebrate the women that raised us. Remember, it isn’t about the money you spent or the fancy place you bought it from, it’s about being grateful for your mom’s hard work, sacrifices, and most importantly love. Have a great Mother’s Day!

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