Everyone's kombucha tastes are different. Some swear by the continuous brew method, in which you never really remove the scoby from the vessel in which it brews, save for a few cleanings a year.  Then there's the batch method,...
Okay guys, time to talk about an topic that’s pretty important to me, although a bit...controversial. That might not be the proper term, but I’ll get to the point. I’m talking about breasts here, and whether or not we...
It has become abnormal to be seen barefoot in public. I have heard the same comments over and over when going barefoot in the store, walking down the road, or even in my own neighborhood: Where are your shoes?...
The dandelion’s peak flowering time is from late March to May, when many bees and other pollinators emerge from hibernation. Each flower consists of about 100 of the small flowers making up a composite flower head, each one packed...
  I’ve got a new love, guys: cacao nibs. I’ve had them in smoothies primarily where they add an interesting crunchy texture, but they’re also great plain. It’s one of the only ways I like the dark chocolate flavor profile...
I’ve always had a secret love for that packaged strawberries and cream oatmeal and yesterday I decided to take a crack at my own. This was partially motivated by the fact that I have these “Fruit Stick” things that...
Think all those zombie movies were just entertainment? Think again. We are currently in the midst of the biggest zombie apocalypse--it's already happening, but most people are completely unaware of it. Zombies are little more than purposeless bodies, devoid of soul....
From 1776 to 1937, hemp was a major American crop and textiles made from hemp were very common. Yet, The American Textile Museum, The Smithsonian Institute, and most American history books contain no mention of hemp. The government's War...
Coschedule is AMAZING! Coschedule has benefited our website in huge dynamic ways. It has simplified our social media posting routine, increased our revenue, increased our traffic and alexa ranking, and simply made my job MUCH EASIER! Social Media Scheduling Coschedule has allowed me...
Dandelions are often viewed as just being flowering weeds that are seen in the yard or coming through cracks in pavement but are actually beneficial to your health! Each part of the dandelion can be used to aide different...
When living in urban areas it can seem like an impossibility to have the garden you have always dreamed of, but it is good to know there are so many options not only for small spaces, but for areas...
Are you tired of quickly using up and throwing out too many plastic bottles? People are coming up with many creative ways to use their bottles after drinking 12oz of water or soda, such as this beautiful plastic bottle...